Did you know that how you exercise can increase or decrease vata in your body and mind? This blog will share some yoga poses and exercises you can do to balance vata. But...
From fruits to grains: how to calm and balance vata dosha with food
When the weather turns cold, dry and windy; vata dosha, the lightest, airy element of the 3 doshas in ayurveda increases all around us—and inside us. In order to stay...
8 reasons to love manjistha
Manjistha, also known as Indian madder in English or Rubia cordifolia in Latin, has been a popular alterative herb in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Not to be...
The significance of a second
I’ve been contemplating if I should write this blog, but I figured if my trauma experience helps one person in any way, it’ll be worthwhile. The judges on America’s Got...
2 contagious things that are good for you
It’s not a joke—it’s more. Yes, there are things that can be contagious and are good for you. What are they? Laughter Whether it’s a joke that cracks you up or a situation...
Benefits of neem for skin and body
Neem (Azadirachta indica, Latin) (Margosa Tree, English) is a tree mostly found in tropical and semitropical regions such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal. It has a...
5 ways to be kinder to ourselves
Mastering the art of kindness towards ourselves is a journey. Our own expectations of ourselves and the expectations we believe others have of us cause us to be hard on...
12 mind-blowing facts about your skin you don’t think about
It’s now a pretty well-known fact that your skin is your largest organ at about 16% of your body weight. What else is so special about your skin? We took a closer look....
4 things yoga teachers say—and what they really mean
Growing up in a household of competitive athletes, movement has always been a part of my life. My mother spent most of her life teaching PE and adaptive PE, my father stayed...