The significance of a second

The significance of a second

I’ve been contemplating if I should write this blog, but I figured if my trauma experience helps one person in any way, it’ll be worthwhile. The judges on America’s Got Talent (AGT) often say that 2 minutes can change your life. So can one second. Several months ago,...
6 secrets for better focus

6 secrets for better focus

I’ve been hearing quite a few people talking lately about having a hard time focusing. So, I want to dedicate this post to exploring 6 ways to help you focus better. Some of them will be good reminders and some of them may just surprise you! To help focus better,...
5 lifestyle tweaks for better health

5 lifestyle tweaks for better health

You’re already exercising regularly, eating your fruits and vegetables (hopefully separately), and experimenting with meditation. Check, check, check. What else can you do to create more wellness (and productivity) in your life? Here are 5 common lifestyle habits with...